Saturday, April 9, 2011

Living the Dream

I wake up every day, wishing for a day to sleep in, rejuvenate, refresh.  Last night, I went to bed with the Little Naked Dog, snoring husband out of town, nothing on tap for the morning.  Enter 6:45 am.  Awake and anxious, unable to sleep.  Determined to get some rest, I stayed in bed, fell asleep around 9:30 am, slept until noon.  Enter bad dreams.  Restless sleep.  Unrewarding time spent.

So, what does it take to rejuvenate, refresh?  Obviously, sleep = fail.  And I started thinking about movies.  When I get the chance to hide for a weekend, I choose movies.  I watch, and I relax.  I watch, and I cry.  I watch, and I find this renewed hope.  Something about spending a weekend watching movies, makes me feel more attached to life.  What is it about fiction that brings me back to reality?

I've always been drawn to the imaginary, to the dream, to the ideal.  I've always said, if we can comprehend it - it should be possible.  So, why do movies fill me up?  Why am I able to refuel?  I think it's because they reinforce the dream.  They feed that part of us that believes in the intangibles - faith, religion, love, perfection.  Movies believe in all of those things.  And if watching makes us feel good - Why are we guilty for buying into the comfort zone?

And explore this:  Why do we live every day, watching movies that dig out our deepest emotions, crying about fictional victories and defeats, applauding wins, and mourning losses - Why do we cling to fiction?  Why do we believe in the arts, and continue to pretend that the intangibles aren't accessible within?  Why do we doubt faith, religion, love, perfection?  If people can create art, based on visions of these things - then they MUST exist.  Maybe the visions are dreams, but dreams are still possible.

And how many times have we lived a "dream," and not been fulfilled?  How many times have we smiled at lovers holding hands on a beach, or watching a sunset - and been touched inside - only to find that doing it in person is unrewarding?  How many times have we walked down a beach, hand in hand, only to find that it's not as romantic as we thought?  Seriously.  Reality is lacking a dimension.

But Fiction is a genre worth considering.  A good book, a good movie, a good song - can change your mood, can change your day, can change your life.  A good piece of art can show you how to believe.  If what we can build in our minds, can move us all - There's something more to it.  We're moved, because we believe.  We cry, because we feel.  We smile, because we know it's all still possible.  And imagining the dream is what keeps us all alive.  So, I have a hope in tomorrow.  I still believe in today.  And I know that there are other people in the world who feel the same.  And I think that's what movies are all about.  And I love fiction for consistently bringing me back to reality.  I love fiction for making me feel.  I love fiction for being real.  

There's nothing more profound in life, than knowing what you imagine is possible - and doing your best to make sure you realize it.  Life is real, but fiction leads us.  Tap into your souls, embrace the intangibles, live your lives.  Watch movies, listen to music, do whatever you need, to fill yourselves up.  It's all worth it.  

- L.  

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