Monday, March 14, 2011

As You Were

"We don't see things as THEY are - We see them as WE are." - - Anais Nin

One of my favorite quotes, and so true.  At least.....I think it's true.  The statement implies that we don't really see the truth, the whole truth, but rather, a skewed version of the truth.  I'm not sure it means reality is up for interpretation.  Although, it seems to imply that each of us views our surroundings in such a way that reality, in its purest form is unrecognizable to us.  We see only the truth we can relate to. Only the message we comprehend.

If what Anais Nin says is true, we all see things a bit differently.  One could argue for or against the benefits of diversity, but it should be noted - so many of us don't fully  understand who WE are.  And, what then? This leads me to believe that not only are so many of us are incapable of seeing things as THEY are, but so many of us don't see things clearly at all.

This really puts a strain on those of us trying to "find ourselves" in this world.  If we don't know ourselves, if we haven't defined ourselves, then - How DO we see things?  Do we listen to the masses?  Do we jump to conclusions?  Do we let other people define us?  Are we at risk of allowing other lost people to influence our opinions?  Imagine that.  A world full of people who don't know themselves, seeing the world through twice-removed sets of eyes.  I don't like what I'm seeing, here.

And yet, we have to admit the uncertainty exists.  Some of us think we see things clearly.  Some of us repeatedly seek guidance.  Some of us continuously question ourselves - and others.  Some of us just don't know what to believe.  Where is the truth in all of this ambiguity?

Living with all of this uncertainty is difficult.  As human beings, we crave truth.  We need validation.  People feed on knowledge, faith, love and friendship.  Connection is key.  Understanding, based on likeness - of how we see things.  Without truth, we're unstable, we're unsure.  We don't know how to put one foot in front of the other.  We don't know how to take that first step, toward finding ourselves.

So, the chicken and the egg reappear.  How do you find yourself without knowing what's true, and how do you recognize YOUR truth, when you don't know who you are?  And is it all hard and fast and true - or, are our worlds really what we make of them?  In a world of uncertainty, how do we find our way?  And how do we do it without latching on to others' truths?  What makes us choose to lead, instead of follow?

I don't know the answers.  I only know that uncertainty exists.  And that Anais Nin was a wise woman.  We bring home what's real and fast and true - for US.  We believe what touches our hearts.  We see what appeals to our senses of self.  Take it in.  Take it all in, and build on it.  How you see things becomes how you see the world - and what the world represents to you.  Don't cheat yourself out of the beauty.  Don't deny yourself the experience.  Don't be afraid of being yourself.  The world really is what you make of it.

Get to know yourselves, and see things as YOU are.

- L.


  1. Here's my question: is is that we don't KNOW who we are, or is it that we deny, fight against, don't want to face, admit, or deal with who we are? It's not about KNOWING who you are, it's ACCEPTING who you are. Then, and only then, can we explore the world through our self-accepted eyes.

    I love the questions you pose in the third paragraph. I truly believe that is where society is stuck right now...stuck within those questions because we all are afraid to accept ourselves individually.

    This quote is great. It's quite profound. I love what you did with it in this blog. And of course I especially love what you did with the last full paragraph and the last sentence. Except that I'll add "accept yourselves" in the middle!


  2. I don't know, my friend. We can't deny what we don't know. It's hard to negate yourself, if you haven't fully taken shape. I understand what you're saying, and I think a huge mass of people out there suppress who they are - me included. Although, You can't suppress what you don't accept as your identity. I think the first step is knowing who you are - and then, choosing to acknowledge or bury it.

  3. I think too many people know and reject, subconsciously, which leads to suppressing and burying, and then end up lost. Not everyone. I do believe that some people truly don't know either.
