Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Peace, LOVE and Understanding

"Time. We all think that we have an endless supply of time. We take time for granted....."

Missy Love began her "Support Trey Love" update with these words, last night.  An anguished mother, putting every ounce of her being into praying for a miracle - shedding her pride, and shamelessly asking for help from anyone who can give it - because she feels utterly helpless. I can barely read through my tears, and I ask myself, "What can I do?"  I don't know the Loves personally, and I'm in awe of their strength and the community's response to their plight.  There IS good in this world.  There ARE kind people everywhere, willing to share their love, their support and their prayers.

I ask myself, "What can I do?" - and I'm instantly ashamed.  What can I do?  I'm not in the area, I don't know them personally, I don't have extra time or money - I'm immediately overwhelmed.  I'm overwhelmed, and I'm ashamed because I have no right to be overwhelmed.  My struggles are nothing compared to what this family is going through.  They pray for a miracle, and I continue to ask why.  I'm afraid that the prayers are falling on deaf ears - because I can't understand why a miracle is necessary.  If there is a God, and God is good, wouldn't He have spared them by now?  And I realize I'm no good to the Loves.  I can't help, if I don't believe.  I can't help, if I don't make the time.  I can't help, if I'm focusing inward.

And what if Trey Love is an example?  What if this little hero was put on this Earth to make me - and others like me - see the truth?  What if we lose him, and the spirits of his mommy and daddy die with him, and we still think we have an endless supply of time?  So, I considered the lesson a young man like Trey Love can teach us.  And I considered the sacrifice he may be making for all of us.  And I considered how unfair all of that is, and how horrific, and sadistic and cold.  But, I considered it anyway.  If Trey Love is fighting this battle, what can make the battle worth fighting?  What can make his pain worth enduring?  And maybe nothing can come close.  Maybe nothing is enough.  But at the very least, we have to say we didn't waste the time we had.  We have to hold up our ends of the bargain.  We have to do everything we can to validate our existence on this Earth, if Love is fighting for life - and especially if Love could be lost.

I took a look deep inside, and I know I'm not living up to my end of the bargain.  I waste time, I waste money, I waste ME - repeatedly.  I've gotten accustomed to the art of avoidance, and I live in a world where hiding is my first defense.  Enter discomfort, and I turn away, run away, hide, or protect myself with some form of anesthesia.  Discomfort isn't an option.  Escape is the only route to safety.  And what am I saying to this brave little boy?  This innocent child who doesn't have a choice?  This family who desperately prays for a miracle?  I'm a cop out.  And I know I'm not the only one.  But that doesn't make it any easier on the conscience.  

So, my commitment to Trey is to think of his example, when I'm tempted to run.  To consider his bravery, when I just want to hide.  To stop looking for an escape, when I know that my time here is limited.  Of course he has my prayers and my support, but he also has my commitment to be a better ME, and I'm letting him hold me accountable.

Here's to Faith, Hope and Trey Love.  

- L.


  1. This HAS to be the lesson of something this tragic. It's the only lesson that makes some sense out of this. These stories are very similar, and they in and of themselves are miracles...just the pure innocent happiness of being alive in a way only a kid can. His life IS a miracle. Period.

    "We have to do everything we can to validate our existence on this Earth, if Love is fighting for life - and especially if Love (may) be lost." This is a FANTASTIC sentence by you and is instantly one of my favorites.

  2. lahna, thank you for sharing this. really powerful stuff. i commend you for being so honest, and helping me process some of the same things i've too been thinking these past days. faith, hope and TREY love...

  3. It's like you read my mind. I took this very same lesson today and got off the couch and hit the beach running...thinking of Trey the whole time and trying to take mental pictures of the ocean and send it to his mind. I hurt and it was hard, but I had to feel alive today for that little boy.

    Love the words as always L. <3 Pray for Trey!
